Pull up a chair.
We’re Food Future WNY, a collaborative network of farm & food business professionals and community activists transforming our local food system to work for everyday people and the planet.
Based in Niagara, Orleans, Erie, Wyoming, Genesee, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Allegany, and Monroe counties, our partners cover every corner of the greater Western New York region in both location and profession. From farmers and market managers, to community activists and academics, to distributors and nonprofit professionals, and everyone in between, we are made up of and always have an open seat at the table for anyone passionate about local food.
(Yes, that means you!)
We believe in taking thoughtful action toward systemic change—not just slapping a bandaid on the problem (or talking in circles about it).
Our work is informed by an 18-month, consultant-led study called the Western New York Regional Food System Initiative. The study, kicked off in January 2021, sought to identify strengths, weaknesses, and wealth-creating opportunities within our region’s food system.
Over the latter half of 2023 to the present, our ever-growing group of partners continues to convene to build upon this work. We have now identified seven emerging projects for potential investment. That is—life-changing capital and programmatic support for the people, infrastructure, and land that keep our food system moving.
(We’ll talk more about those soon. They’ll be worth the wait—farmer’s honor.)
Speaking of what we believe in…
Here are our Guiding Principles.
How is all this possible, you ask?
In 2020, the Western New York COVID-19 Community Response Fund was established. In 2020 and 2021, four rounds of funding totaling more than $11.3 million addressed immediate needs in our community in the areas of food, housing, healthcare, childcare, mental health, transportation, and other emergency services.
As the crisis unfolded, the funders collaborative raised an important question: How do we use this moment and unprecedented collaboration to innovate and strengthen our region’s ability to face the future?
The answer was to create the Moving Forward Together initiative to address critical systems in need.
This initiative, facilitated by the Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo, awarded $1.2 million over two years to New York Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NYSAWG)—the administrative body for Food Future WNY. A 501(c)3 based in Salamanca, their mission is to promote a food system that is environmentally sound and economically viable for farmers and consumers and is socially just for all.
Working Groups
We’re the folks on the ground who bring the ideas to change the system.
Each idea is inspired and informed by our own experience growing produce, raising livestock, running markets, and/or living with marginalized identities that affect our access to capital, quality food, and land.
The mission of the Access, Equity, and Sovereignty (AES) Working Group is to advance food equity in the Western New York food system by identifying and better understanding programs, systems, structures and practices that contribute to barriers to inclusion and food access locally and regionally. The agenda or mission of the AES Working Group’s tasks and initiatives are to increase food security, contribute to community food sovereignty, and ensure that the Regional Leadership Team represents basic values that demonstrate highest standards with respect to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion as described by Food Future WNY’s Guiding Principles.
The mission of the Farm and Food Business Finance Working Group is to expand the amount, variety, and fairness of capital available to farm and food businesses (FFBs) in the Western New York food system. Our objectives include defining the current ‘financial ecosystem” region, identifying its gaps, filling some of the gaps with new information and projects, and identifying new projects that can go further. We are especially committed to ensuring that the system is responsive to the needs of long-excluded businesses, including those that are small, those connected to low-income rural and urban communities, and those run by BIPOC and women entrepreneurs.
The mission of the Farmers and Producers Working Group is to increase the viability of WNY farmers, with particular emphasis on smaller, newer, and limited resource farmers. To do this, the Farmers and Producers Working Group seeks to understand and address both obstacles and challenges farmers face related to markets, access to processing and other infrastructure, availability of affordable finance and capital, and the need for peer support and networks. Within these broad objectives, the Working Group has focused on these four priority areas: 1) Expanding, improving markets for local foods, 2) Land access and affordability, 3) Strengthening and expanding infrastructure for meats, dairy, and value-added processing, and 4) Building or strengthening farmer networks to increase access to information, resources, and markets.
The mission of the Infrastructure Working Group is to foster a culture of networking and collaboration among diverse food system stakeholders to build scale appropriate infrastructure that supports a good food system. Building on existing assets, strategies to scale from local to regional and transnational will be explored. Priority areas of focus will include: meat processing efficiencies; transportation/logistic systems; e-systems and data portals; innovations in dairy processing and export networks and systems.
The mission of the Market and Buyers Working Group is to identify and better understand market barriers and opportunities for local, regional, and equitably produced food producers and take action to address selected barriers and opportunities. The group has these main objectives: 1) Increase local and regional food purchasing at higher educational institutions and other institutions in the region, and 2) Identify local, regional and state level policies that currently hinder stronger regional and equitable food market channels, or if established would enhance them, and plan to selectively address them in partnership with regional and state level organizations.
Regional Leadership Team
We’re the trailblazers who review and approve emerging projects.
We’ve seen it all—and have the experience, networks, and time-tested love of food, people, and land to show for it.
NYSAWG Board of Directors
We approve funds for projects given to us by the Regional Leadership Team.
(Think of us as the people who flip the figurative green light on.)
We… Well, we do everything else.
Balancing the books. Informing you about our network’s happenings. Prepping for and hosting working group meetings—All in the name of building a system that is just, equitable, and economically resilient for our neighbors.
Kristen Tim
Leigh Ziemczonek